I wasn’t born “Piper”, but I needed an evil, naughty identity for my evil, naughty side…because I’m a mom and a corporate lawyer, and not everyone is as open-minded as we are, right? So I picked Piper Trace. Easy to spell, easy to remember… Hopefully, hard to forget. 😉
Why Piper?
I wanted the name to say “girl-next-door”, but the one who dresses with her shades open. Piper’s your best friend who tells you dirty stories, always encourages you to “go for it” and insists your skirt is not too short unless your pussy lips are showing…and even then, it depends on the event. I know my etiquette.
How did I get started writing?
It’s always been my dream to be a writer. I took creative writing courses in college and all of my stories were about sex. On my last paper my professor commented, “Well written, and about your favorite subject, of course.” Of course! I turned 21 while taking the class and one of the other students told me, “I can see you now, sitting at a bar…” (read in slurred drunken speech) “Hey you! In the tight jeans. C’mere…let me tell you a story…” So I guess I’ve been trying to seduce people with my writing for a long time.
I was destined to write erotic romance. It’s what I love to do! I also love to create things, cook, repurpose clothing and furniture, and read (of course). And I love to make people feel energized, sexy and sexual…I hope my books and my website do that for you!
I want this website and my books to make YOU feel sexy!
I want everyone to embrace their “sexy”. I want women to be as proud of their boobs as they are their brains. Ladies, take back your sexy! Own it! You don’t have to be perfect. It’s not anyone else’s opinion that makes you sexy, it’s your opinion of yourself. YOU decide, not him (or her!). You don’t need anyone’s permission or agreement to be sexy. Just BE. You don’t have to be young or muscular or skinny or have big boobs. You can be religious, you can be conservative, you can be shy, a grandma or have five kids. And you can still be sexy. You just have to love your body and love sex. And I don’t even mean just the physical appearance of your body. I mean love all of it…love what your mouth can do, your lips, your tongue…love the amazing pleasure your breasts and skin and pussy can give you or another person. (Go ahead, say “pussy” until you’re comfortable with it. Own that word. It’s ours, ladies.) Love how wet your brain can get you when you read my books, or some of the posts on my website, or just think up hot things yourself… That’s all it takes to own your sexy.
So read my books and my website and let’s find your sexy together and GET SOME!
What do I want this website to be?
This is all in fun, and I hope everyone enjoys themselves here! This site is about acceptance, support and the celebration of women, men and sex. I want it to be a conversation among us sexy bitches! Think of my website as a quilting club for filthy whores.
Welcome. You’re one of us now.
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