Fueling Her Fire Got Four Hearts from Sizzling Hot Book Reviews!

My first review y’all! FOUR HEARTS from Sizzling Hot Book Reviews: “Great! Move it up the TBR pile!”


Marissa Dobson, the founder of Sizzling Hot Book Reviews, had this to say about Fueling Her Fire:

  • “Sweet read of old loves and misunderstandings”
  • “The sex was hot and steamy between Kip and Dylan”!
  • “Great characters”
  • “Hot and sexy love story”!

Squee!!!  Now quit wasting time and check it out right at the source: CLICK HERE TO GO TO SIZZLING HOT BOOK REVIEWS

Then if it sounds good to you…maybe…BUY MY BOOK!  🙂  And if you write me a review on any book-selling site, I promise to call your name out during sex! No matter how awkward. (I might need to give my man a head’s up about that one…)

As always, your favorite dirty whore, (I’m hoping),

Piper Trace


Boobs & Books! I’m Featured on the BiblioBabes Blog!

The BiblioBabes, Kat & Cara

(Say *that* 5 times fast!)

I still remember when I first came across their website…the more I read, the more my jaw dropped. We were (as they put it) separated at birth! I wanted to tweet to them immediately with something like, “Hey, you don’t know me, but we’re soul-mates and I’m your new best friend and we’re moving in together.” But knowing that was just a *wee* bit stalkerish, I cleared my throat and instead tweeted something like, “Lovely literature site, ladies. Carry on.” Well, that’s probably not accurate, but regardless, fast-forward to now and it’s a mutual love affair as I knew it would be. 😀

There is just nothing I love more than smart, unapologetic ladies who also happen to love literature. Throw in dark, sexy, funny and proud of their amazing breasts, and count me as a full-fledged fangirl.

Now if you’re not already hooked at this point in my description, let me introduce you to a little bit of heaven that the BiblioBabes like to call “Naked Reading Sunday”… Every Sunday they post a picture of one of them naked or semi-naked with only the book they’re reading covering their bare chest.

It’s one of the rare moments I hate books. 😉

And here, they blog about ME!! Imagine how thrilled I was! Our New Friend