Burly Construction Hunks Bury Their Cables in My…Yard

So I was sleeping in this morning since I stayed up most of the night writing and I woke up to a loud banging on my door. I grabbed my robe and opened the door to quite a handsome, burly construction guy wearing worn jeans, work boots and a sleeveless shirt.


“Ma’am, I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?” He’s polite too. And concerned about me. An alpha male with a heart of gold. Who needs coffee?

” ‘s okay,” I mumble.

“I’m here to bury– ” (this is all my fuzzy brain processed for a moment) “your cable. I just wanted to let you know.”

So naturally, watching him and his team work, digging and bending over in their work jeans, I write a hot quickie ménage in my head. Unfortunately it’s mainly Penthouse Forum stuff. Not sure Ellora’s Cave would be interested. 🙂

But I did work up the courage to ask if I could take their picture! So here it is. The construction team in all their glory. *fans self*

Good morning to me…



  1. You poor, poor thing. What a terrible, horrible way to wake up. 😉

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